Rusty Color Water | Repipe Pro

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Rusty Color Water

Rusty Color Water

Rusty Color Water

Rusty Color Water

Water should always be crystal clear. If your taps release water that has a rust-brown shade, it is natural for you to worry. You are likely to wonder what is the cause of the tainted and rusty-colored water and if it is even safe to use. It is simply not possible to use rust color water. You cannot brush your teeth with it or shower in it. Finding out the root cause of the problem and resolving it should be on the top of your mind.

Fortunately, mineral sediments are to blame for rusty color water. This means that manganese or iron causes discoloration. As these minerals tend to be harmless, you should be able to drink the water, brush your teeth, and bathe in it. But, it is still important that you find out if it is these minerals that have caused the discoloration. A major symptom of water that has iron is that it would form rust stains on your clothes and have a metallic taste as well as cause blockage or clogs.

Why Is There Rust Color Water In Your Southern California Home?

In case iron is causing the change in the color of the water, you need to know how it got there in the first place. How could there be so much iron for the water to change to brown or red? The following reasons explain why you are experiencing a water discoloration problem.

Old Municipal Water Systems

Water systems through the country age with time. Although some might be newer, there are some parts in California that have old municipal water systems. For instance, LA has old pipes which were installed prior to 1931. This means that the pipes could be very old. Older systems use old materials which rust over time. In addition to this, it is common for water main breaks to occur where such systems are used.

In case of these events, sediment such as rust particles is released into the water system and make their way into your home. If this is the case, you cannot do much about it rather than contact the local authorities to get to the bottom of the problem and have the local water company deal with it.

Wells Containing High Iron Content

Generally, groundwater contains iron. Rocks and minerals help filter the water. However, iron still seeps through. Hence, you are likely to find wells that have high iron content. If you obtain your water from a well, you must get rusty color water. However, as the iron levels fluctuate seasonally, things would get better. Only a plumber could help find out if the iron levels are to blame.

Rusty Spots in the Piping

There is also a possibility that your piping might have worn out over time. In such a case, you would require repiping. This is where Repipe Pro can help you out. We would take on the pex repiping to ensure that you do not have to use rusty color water again.

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